For years my niece Molly didn't speak at all. She is autistic. For years I was dying to hear her beautiful voice. Then one day she finally spoke. First a word, then a phrase, and then full sentences. She had a lot to say. All that time in silence, she didn't choose to keep her words inside. They were trapped inside her sweet mind. Now that Molly has the ability to communicate through words, she says the things that the rest of us are thinking. The tables are turned and we are the ones keeping our words inside.
I called the other day to speak to my sister, and Molly happened to be using her phone at the time. My guess is that I interrupted a video that she had been watching on the phone. She answered the call, and I could hear her as she walked throughout the house calling for my sister. I tried to talk to her, but she just kept repeating "Mom? MOM?" in different exasperated voices and tones. And finally a sentence ... "I don't believe this!" ... and then silence. She hung up on me.
I was left with the phone in my hand and a silly grin on my face. How many times have I called someone who I interrupted and they probably would have loved saying that to me. So simple, yet so to the point.
When I later got my sister on the phone, she made the moment even better by telling me that Molly {who is obsessed with Grover and Sesame street} has modeled some of her personality on Mr. Johnson. Remember Mr. Johnson, the guy with the fly in his soup? It didn't matter where Mr. Johnson went, Grover was always there to exasperate him. Molly was Mr. Johnson, and I was Grover.
Thank you Molly for being you, and thank you for talking to me.
I love you very much, Mr. Johnson.
the annoying but lovable Grover.